In many cultures the butterfly represents beauty and renewed life and it is the butterfly's life cycle that is commonly used to symbolize a woman's transformation from a child to a creature of beauty and renewed life. This is the main reason why butterfly designs are so popular with women. Most of the butterfly designs contain a large amount of detail which allows the attractive nature and intricate details of the design the ability to match the loveliness of butterflies that can commonly be found in the wild.
Common Varieties of Butterfly Tattoo Designs
Butterfly designs can easily be customised to suit the tastes of the wearer by using a variety of different methods. Since the wings are commonly the focus of the butterfly tattoo design, the wings are usually designed using a unique pattern that holds meaning to the person. The pattern that is placed on the wings can modified in any way the person wants. A butterfly tat design pattern can include symbols, initials or even small zodiac signs, in order to make it completely unique to the person who will be wearing it.
A butterfly tattoo design can also be customised with any particular colors or pattern of colors that you wish. Since some colors tend to complement each other better than others, you should choose the main color of the wings and then choose the colors that complement your main color in order to create a pattern. Many experienced tattoo artists have done a large quantity of butterfly tattoo designs in their career so they are a good source of advice if you need help in choosing the best colors for your butterfly tattoos.