Butterfly tattoos are among the most popular of tattoo designs, especially for women. When you are trying to create a unique but feminine tattoo, a butterfly tattoo is a great start. Butterflies are graceful and beautiful and that grace translates very well into a tattoo. The whole idea of the caterpillar transforming into the beautiful butterfly captures the heart and people love to relate to the idea. Tattooing is all about expressing yourself and many people want to express a change or a rebirth, and having a butterfly tattoo can do that.
Butterfly tattoos will look stunning whether they are inked in black only or a variety of colors are used. The size of the tattoo can vary widely depending on where it is placed. You can put a small petite butterfly on your ankle or wrist or a larger one on your shoulder or lower back. The wings on the butterfly can be placed in different positions to make it unique. You can spread them out as in full flight and color them in beautiful eye catching colors or have them tucked in a bit as if just coming out of the cocoon.
The lower back, shoulder and ankle are some of the most popular spots for a butterfly tattoo. Some even have them placed on hidden areas, only seen by loved ones or close friends. No matter where they are put, they are almost always dramatic and stunning. As a female you can't go wrong with some type of a butterfly tattoo. Even thought it's a popular design, you can make it unique enough that it represents you. You can start with a small tattoo and later add a flower to enlarge it.
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Blog Archive
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- Butterfly Tattoos - Creature of Spirituality
- Butterfly Tattoos - The Reality of Change
- Butterfly Tattoos - The Struggle to Achieve
- Butterfly Tattoos - Femininity of Butterflies
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- Best Butterfly Tattoo Designs
- Butterfly Tattoos - Openly Accepting Change
- Butterfly Tattoos Can Be Beautiful
- The Truth Behind Butterfly Tattoo Designs
- Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Designs Are Among the Most P...
- Real Butterfly Tattoos - Make Your Tattoo As Uniqu...
- Insight on the Butterfly Tattoo Design
- Butterfly Tattoos Can Capture Your Heart
- Butterfly Tattoo Art
- Butterfly Tattoos - Designs and Meanings
- The Wonder of Butterfly Tattoos